Policies – School And Statutory


Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Smoking Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy (Sixth Form)

Careers Policy

Catch Up/Intervention Policy

CCTV Policy

Children in Care Policy

Continuing Professional Development Policy

Coronavirus Vaccine Policy

Curriculum Policy 2023-24

Data Breach Policy and Procedures

Drugs Policy

E-Safety Policy

Educational Visits Policy

English as an additional language

Gifts and Hospitality Policy

Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement (Sixth Form)

Home Visit and Lone Working Policy

ICT Acceptable Use Policy (Students)

Infection Control Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Lettings Policy

Literacy Policy

Marking and Feedback Policy

Mobile Phones Policy

Numeracy Policy

Parental Behaviour Policy

Photography Policy

Premises Management Policy

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy

Professional Relationships Policy

Prayer and Liturgy Policy

PSHCE Policy

Punctuality (Sixth Form) Policy

Pupil Premium Policy

Remote Learning Policy 2023-24

Safeguarding and safety for visitors

Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy

SMSC Policy Searching

Student Voice Policy

Supervision Policy

Transgender Policy – Part of Safeguarding

Uniform Policy

Uniform (Sixth Form) Policy

Volunteers Policy

Young Carers Policy


Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Policy

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy (6th Form) 2025-26

Behaviour and Relationships Management Procedures

Behaviour Policy (Sixth Form)

Charging and Remissions Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy (Appendix 1)

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Children with health needs who cannot attend school

Complaints Policy

Data Protection Policy

Designated Teacher Policy

Equality Information and Objectives Statement

Examination Contingency Plan

Exclusions Policy

First Aid

Freedom of Information Policy

Governors Allowances Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Information Rights Process

Instrument of Government

Low Level Concerns Policy

Non-Examination Assessment Policy

Privacy Notice – layered

Protection of Children’s Biometric Information Policy

Provider Access Policy

Register of Business Interests

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Relationships and sex education Learning Map

Retention and Disposal Policy and Schedule

Transgender Policy

School Information to be published on a website

School Complaints Policy

SEN and Disability Policy

SEN Information Report

SEND EEF Privacy Notice

Statement of allegations CWAC – Safeguarding Children Partnership

Statement of allegations CWAC – Safeguarding Procedure (Appendix A)

Statement of allegations – Referral Form (Appendix B)

Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff – detailed

Subject Access Request

Supporting pupils with medical conditions

Whistleblowing Policy 2023-24