Spiritual Life At EPCHS

Chaplaincy at EPCHS

“The role of the School Chaplain is an essential part of preserving and strengthening the catholicity of our schools. The Chaplain is appointed in order to promote the spiritual and human development of all members of the school community.” Diocese of Shrewsbury – A Vision of Catholic Education

When questioned by the Pharisees, “Which is the greatest commandment?” Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” As a Chaplaincy we are committed to serving all in our community and strive to imbue a culture of love and kindness.

At Ellesmere Port Catholic High School, our Chaplain is Angela Doherty. Her role is to promote the Catholic Life of the school by preparing and providing prayer resources that support both staff and students with their own faith journeys.

Message from our Chaplain Angela

I am privileged to be the Chaplain at Ellesmere Port Catholic High School and my role is wide ranging. I try to look around the school and see it through the eyes of Jesus, remembering that each one of our students and staff members have been created in God’s image. I am here to support our school community, develop our spirituality and to encourage everyone to live out the Gospel values.