Wellbeing Learning Map

Wellbeing at EPCHS 

Wellbeing Lead – Charlotte Hitchman

Emotional and physical wellbeing in schools has never been more important. Young people today have to navigate their way through an ever changing and technology rich world which according to the charity Young Minds, estimate that one in three young people in any classroom will be suffering with their mental health. It is therefore our aim as a school to do all we can to give students the skills, dispositions, knowledge, habits and confidence to improve their wellbeing.
The wellbeing course we are offering to students is therefore designed to provide students with opportunities to develop their self-confidence and think more positively, whilst develop character and resilience. Moreover, the link between positive health and wellbeing and strong attainment are closely linked and we want our students to succeed in both areas of life.
During the Personal Development lessons in school we will be looking at topics such as; first aid, healthy lifestyles and choices, mental health and stigma, self-efficacy and stigma around mental health. Our spiral curriculum allows for progression in all years and is intended to keep students mentally and physically healthy.
As a school we will also be offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities, whilst also helping and guiding them to access new activates and clubs in both the local and wider community to enable them to develop and discover their interests and talents.
This really is an exciting time for wellbeing at EPCHS, one which will provide a solid foundation for students to grow and develop even further in our wider community.