

What is ‘numeracy’, and why is it so important?


“Numeracy is a life skill. Being numerate goes beyond simply ‘doing sums’; it means having the confidence and competence to use numbers and think mathematically in everyday life…”

Having a good level of numeracy is essential if children are to make the best of all the opportunities available to them, both whilst at school and in their future lives.
There are unfortunately too many shocking statistics that describe the serious consequences of having low levels of numeracy for young people and adults.

We believe there are 3 essential factors needed in order for a child to become fully numerate:
1) The belief that they can be, and are good at Maths.
2) The belief that Maths is relevant for their everyday life.
3) Excellent teaching, teaching that recognises and meets the needs of every student.

At Ellesmere Port Catholic High School we have a ‘can do’ approach to numeracy – we believe that all students can, and should be mathematically confident. All staff recognise the importance of providing students with a wide variety of mathematical experiences and of promoting a positive mathematics culture.

All curriculum areas teach numeracy as part of their subject content. As a result, students not only get to practice and develop their mathematical skills across all subjects, but also see the relevance of numeracy in all aspects of their education, and therefore their future.

The Maths Department use Hegarty Maths for homework and this is a fantastic resource for students to build their numeracy skills as well:

Students also take part in fun numeracy activities outside the classroom.
Here students have the opportunity to practice and develop their mathematics skills in a relaxed and informal setting. Students have taken part in games, challenges and puzzles involving: number bonds; symmetry; logical processing; building; balance; measuring; converting units and sorting.

Whole School Events
There are a series of whole-school events to support Numeracy that take place throughout the year. These involve the weekly Numeracy form puzzles, Form Time Numeracy website, Maths starters in lessons, World Maths Day, World Pi Day and National Numeracy Day.

How can our Parents support with Numeracy?
Establishing a strong, consistent message between home and school is essential to support a student’s mathematical development. To foster this, the school runs a Parent Support Evening. This is to show how parents can support their children when at home. We have produced a parent’s guide and methods booklet to help with supporting your child with their Mathematical development.
You can download the EPCHS Numeracy Booklet by clicking here.

Numeracy Puzzles
Click the link below to view ‘Form Time Numeracy Puzzles’.

Numeracy Postcards
Students may also receive postcards home to celebrate their efforts and achievements throughout the year.

Form Time Numeracy Puzzles
EPCHS Numeracy Booklet 2023