Consultation on proposed Admission Policy
In line with the statutory duty of admissions authorities to consult on Admissions Policies every seven years and to consult on any amendments to admissions arrangements, please find attached document:
- Proposed Ellesmere Port Catholic High School Admissions Policy for 2026-2027 which refers to admissions in September 2026 and onwards.
This is also available on the Ellesmere Port Catholic High School website.
Our Admissions Policy has been amended to reflect that of our Diocese (the Diocese of Shrewsbury) and contains some minor amendments to the Oversubscription criteria.
We have identified you as being a local stakeholder and therefore we invite you to comment on the proposals in the consultation period which will run for a 6-week period from, 26th October 2024 to 6th December 2024. Please forward any comments with the subject line Ellesmere Port Catholic High School consultation to
Please could I also ask all schools and academies to include a notification in their newsletters to inform parents and carers of the proposed changes.
Comments will be considered by the Governors of Ellesmere Port Catholic High School after the consultation period ends on 9th December 2024 prior to determination and publication.
On behalf of Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Academy Trust.
Kind regards,
Mrs Sarah Hilton
PA to Headteacher
Virtual School Tour
Extra Curricular and Trips 2024
50th Anniversary Celebrations summer 2023
Podcast showcase about our school
You can now listen to our podcast showcasing the most recent radio advertisements featuring Ellesmere Port Catholic High School. Check out the highlights of our school and get the lowdown on what happens here from students, staff and also parents.