
Our school has achieved the Eco-Schools Green Flag status, and is working towards the 2023/24 Flag. Ms Edwards, our Eco-Coordinator, is leading the project with a team of eco passionate pupils who have formed our school Eco-Committee. Before Christmas, members of our very efficient Year 11 prefect team conducted an environmental review of our school. This was analysed and an action plan drawn up. You will see from the action plan that we have set ourselves some clear objectives and we would love to have our whole school and local community on board to make EPCHS and the surrounding local area more eco-friendly. Keep your eyes peeled for updates of our eco journey!

Our school water bottles have arrived which we are super excited about and cannot wait to distribute to pupils over the upcoming weeks. Furthermore, members of our Eco-Committee met with an external drinks company to discuss and taste test some new flavoured waters for dispensers to use with our reusable water bottles. They found the meeting extremely informative and made some super decisions based on our commitment to reducing the usage of single use plastics at EPCHS.