Mission and Vision

Our school’s mission statement is found in St. John’s Gospel Chapter 10 Verse 10. Jesus said, “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” As Christ’s life is an example of unconditional love, we believe that in sharing and receiving love we shall “have life and have to the full”.

Values & Mission Statement

“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Ellesmere Port Catholic High School provides a Roman Catholic education in an environment within which all members of the community are encouraged to develop their spiritual, moral, academic, creative and physical potential, based on the teachings of Jesus.
As a school, we:

  • Are a welcoming community
  • Promote the dignity and worth of each person through Catholic Social Teaching
  • Foster an understanding that each individual has a contribution to make on a daily basis
  • Provide opportunities for all to participate in prayer and worship
  • Share in the life of the local and wider community
  • Promote justice and peace
  • Encourage tolerance, patience, forgiveness and trust
  • Have a genuine concern for others through empathy, co-operation and understanding
  • Support those in need

Through our actions we will try to be a witness to Jesus Christ.

“If the Lord does not build the house then its labourers toil in vain.” Ps. 127