Sixth Form Admission Information

Welcome to our 6th Form

Choosing the right 6th Form is an important decision for every student; being able to get a sense of 6th Form life, finding out what we offer and speaking to our Team will help you to make the right choice for you. We at EPCHS6 work hard to find the perfect study programme for every student, whatever their ability, subject interests and future ambitions. On this page you will find subject information for all the courses we offer as well as an overall presentation outlining why our 6th Form is a special place to be. At EPCHS6 we have created a culture of high aspirations whereby students work hard and make the most of all the opportunities offered.
Our Sixth Form provides increased independence with opportunities to take responsibility and show leadership within the School. Sixth Form students enjoy managing their time, so there is greater flexibility in the structure of their timetables. Away from study, there is a huge range of sporting, social, and extra-curricular activities available. We also pride ourselves on preparing students for life after the Sixth Form. Whether students choose university, apprenticeships, employment or travel, students receive ongoing careers guidance to enable them to choose wisely when it comes to their future. We also support students and encourage students to develop soft skills and secure work experience during their time with us. It is important that students not only leave with great qualifications but that they also have had the opportunities to develop their wider skills.
We want our students to enjoy their time in the Sixth Form but recognise that it can be a very challenging time so work hard to provide support and guidance to support students emotionally as well as academically.
We are exceptionally proud of our students and their achievements and invite you to see for yourselves what a fantastic Sixth Form we have and the subjects that we offer.
The Sixth Form Team – Mrs Henderson, Mrs Cavanagh and Mrs Howell.


As you are aware in the autumn term a number of events took place to introduce our successful 6th form to Year 11 pupils/parents/guardians including an introduction to the 6th Form presentation, an Open Evening and a post 16 experience day where pupils had the opportunity to sample to up to 5 A-Level lessons/talks. I have also delivered a further assembly recently to Year 11 about next steps in terms of applying to join our 6th form for September 2025 entry.

Please find below the initial application form that pupils now have to complete. I have gone through the form with pupils and explained all aspects of it. Pupils will predominantly take 3 A-Levels but we have asked them to also choose a back up subject as a 4th option. The deadline to complete the form is by February half term. Please be aware that the final application will take place once pupils have received their GCSE results this summer.

Any questions regarding the form or any aspect of our 6th form please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs L Henderson

Deputy Headteacher/Head of the 6th Form

For all subject specific information, please visit the sixth form subjects information guide page, and the sixth form subjects video presentation page.